Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson. He was loved, despised, judged, idolized... he was awesome. Judge all you want, but most of us get our groove on during billy jean, have attempted the thriller dance, and can moon walk IF we are wearing socks in a slippery kitchen. Thanks to a cool lady named Julie, I can do the dance to Beat It... and yeah, I'm kind of awesome at it. 

This blog is not a way for me to give my opinions on the death of Michael Jackson or pass judgement on the way he lived his life. In fact, he's not really the center of this blog. True to my fashion, this blog is about me... and another awkward, silly, stupid thing I did. 

In high school, I went through a Michael Jackson phase. I loved Dirty Diana and was obsessed with learning the dance to Beat It [thanks again Julie!] I know this obsession came really late, considering I was in high school in the early 2000s,  but come on. A good obsession of the King of Pop is always welcome. 

I was in my bathroom one day, bee-boppin to some MJ. Then Thriller came on. and OMG you KNOW that every time you hear that song you at least attempt the dance. You may do the 13 going on 30 version [which is so not the right version, but at least you kids are trying] or some of you might just do the classic right to left zombie move. But you at least try. So what did I do, as I was making my self pretty in the bathroom? I started doing the Thriller dance. I'm grooving along in my bathroom and really getting into the dance. 

Then it happened. There's a move in the Thriller dance in which MJ goes up on his toes and then bends over quickly. He then moves into a shimmy, but I never got to that part. 

Like I said, I was really into the dance, so I went up on my toes, bent over quickly and WAP!!!

I banged my head on the bathroom sink. I hit it so hard that I fell backward and knocked myself out. 

I woke up a little later [billy jean, playing in the background...] and realized what happened. With a splitting headache and little more caution, I went about the rest of my day.
What can I say, obsessions can be dangerous. 

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